Sales Executive

Luca Pignalosa

Luca’s exceptional interpersonal skills, in particular his ability to create and maintain effective working relationships with people, are assets that he employs to the benefit of his clients during every stage of a property’s sales process.

Sales Executive

Luca Pignalosa


His natural enthusiasm, ambition and desire to deliver service excellence are values that he brings to his chosen career path. In addition, his instinctive professionalism wins the confidence of his clients and colleagues alike.

Luca’s exceptional interpersonal skills, in particular his ability to create and maintain effective working relationships with people, are assets that he employs to the benefit of his clients during every stage of a property’s sales process. His natural enthusiasm, ambition and desire to deliver service excellence are values that he brings to his chosen career path. In addition, his instinctive professionalism wins the confidence of his clients and colleagues alike.

Long term aspirations for a career defined by consistent sales success drive Luca to learn and develop each day. He is completely at ease in the property space and he finds inspiration in the trajectory of leading industry figures, whom he will undoubtedly emulate over the arc of his own working life.

A learner and a listener who takes the time and care to understand how best he can be of assistance to both sellers and their prospective buyers, Luca is perfectly suited to the property profession – and it to him.